Imagine having a small battery powered sensor, up to 10 km away, continually sending small bits of data that increases your business’s productivity and risk management. With Check-It’s platform and LoRaWan technology this can be implemented in no time at all.
There are applications in the Energy Management (smart meter), water supply, health care, food industry, transport, and Remote Asset Management, Smart Growing Monitoring Solutions and transportation. LoRaWAN technology is a transition between indoor wireless networks and outdoor cellular networks providing long data transmission distances without recurring communication costs. LoRaWAN has a much longer range than WiFi or Bluetooth Low Energy. To contact us about how this exciting technology can be used in your application, click here.
From gateway to data sending sensors, line of site distances have achieved 10 km+ even in unfavourable field conditions. Check-It Solutions are currently deploying applications outside of 10 km to confirm reliability and dependability. This is achieved using LoRanWan technology. LoRanWan technology was developed in France and has been used successfully in Europe and is now being widely adopted in North America. From 2019-2026, the global growth of this technology is expected to be 47%. LoRaWan is a low power, wide area networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery operated “things” to the internet. Think long range, low battery usage and small bursts of data. Current systems such as WiFi and Lte are limited by having a low range and a higher battery usage outside of acceptable performance. There are tremendous Opportunities with LoRaWan Technology for adaption and use in North America.
Check-It’s LoRaWAN network can be a combination of end-nodes, gateway(s), a network server, and application server(s). The end-nodes may be connected to different sensors and switches. The end-devices transmit information to the gateways via LoRa. The gateways in the network receive data from the end-nodes and forward it to the network servers. The network server is responsible for encoding, decrypting, and communicating with the application server. The end nodes have bi-directional communication capabilities.
The internet of things (IoT) gateway is a physical device or software program that serves as the connection point between the cloud and controllers, sensors and intelligent devices. All data moving between IoT devices and the cloud passes through an IoT gateway.
Check-It is also deploying many solutions using LoRaWan in combination with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for short range, more frequent data bursts to take advantage of the strengths of both technologies. Further posts explaining these exciting solutions will be available soon. To contact us about how this exciting technology can be used in your application, click here.
For further reading and to check out LoRaWan coverage: https://lora-alliance.org/lorawan-coverage/
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