Some of the most common issues we hear regarding previous versions of Bluetooth technology is that they have high energy usage, can not cover large distances, and can be unreliable depending upon your situation. Key drivers of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are its low cost, high accuracy, less interference than Wi-Fi, relatively small devices, low power usage, & reliability. BLE is very adaptability to many situations. This post will provide a high level understanding of the Power & Applications of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
How do we do it? Imagine having an enhanced Bluetooth connection that has a longer range, is more reliable and has very low battery usage? Pairing BLE with LoRaWan technology can connect a long range small battery powered sensor, up to 10 km. With Check-It’s platform and LoRaWan technology this can be implemented in no time at all.
When starting a new Project, one of the main priorities and driver for the project is lowering costs. BLE allows for better energy efficiency and battery life which translates into cost savings. In addition BLE networks allow for longer range and wider reach. This advancement in BLE technology addresses concerns that the previous versions of Bluetooth range was limited.
BLE has large potential applications by eliminating misconceptions of previous versions of Bluetooth. Concerns regarding range, reliability and battery usage. BLE also have a higher resistance to interference when compared to Wi-Fi connectivity. BLE networks are suited for control, monitoring and automation systems. There are applications in the Energy Management (smart meter), water supply, health care, food industry, Remote Asset Management, Smart Growing Monitoring Solutions and transportation. BLE allows for low cost & high accuracy Asset Management.
Check-It deploys many solutions using LoRaWan in combination with BLE for short range, more frequent data bursts to take advantage of the strengths of both technologies. LoRaWAN technology is a transition between indoor wireless networks and outdoor cellular networks providing long data transmission distances without recurring communication costs. LoRaWan is a low power, wide area networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery operated “things” to the internet. Think long range, low battery usage and small bursts of data. Current systems such as WiFi and LTE are limited by having a low range and a higher battery usage outside of acceptable performance. There are tremendous Opportunities with LoRaWan Technology for adaption and use in North America. The image below will provide a simplified overview of the Power & Applications of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

One way to compensate for the limitations of Bluetooth technology is to “Daisy-chain” them together. The daisy-chain links Bluetooth sensors together to extend their range. Imagine a large industrial sized greenhouse with many different temperature, soil moisture & relative humidity sensors linked together via Bluetooth to reach from one end of the greenhouse to the other to provide readings from the many different zones.
For further reading and to check out LoRaWan coverage: https://lora-alliance.org/lorawan-coverage/.
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