The Internet of Things, or IOT, is changing how businesses operate. IOT allows business to make informed decisions based on real-time actionable data and historical trending. With the Check-It Solutions IOT Platform, sensors, and any wireless network it is possible to reduce your costs and improve efficiencies, processes, and develop new services or business models for your existing product lines.
Check-It Solutions collects all required data and information and puts it at the tip of your fingertips. Our experienced team of business analysts and software developers can quickly make your business operation “smarter” and more reliable. Quickly viewing our online dashboard will let you easily spot potential issues or provides a real-time alert when a problem has occurred. Check-It’s historical data trending and algorithms will provide you with the intelligence to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs. The following includes some of our many areas of expertise as well as example solutions we have implemented while continuing to evolve and support.
Sensors and Wireless Networks
With the rapid growth of the IOT market and accelerated evolution, wireless networks have become essential for successful implementations. It is important when deciding on the network to understand the mixture of sensors being used and location. Sensors can be remote where coverage is difficult, battery-operated, number of devices, traffic interference. human intervention, etc. The combination of factors is unlimited and without reliable communication, your solution will lose all integrity.
Check-It has experience with essentially every type of communication network available. Including Satellite, LTE, LoraWan, Zigbee, Z-Wave, EnOcean, Bluetooth, RFID as well as many different wired options. Our experience and skills ensure our clients will always have reliable communication, within any industry solution, while providing up to the second information.

Sensors are now embedded in our everyday life and business. The need for data is growing exponentially and sensors are used to capture any data in almost any situation and location. Check-It Solutions has integrated with hundreds of IOT sensors from embedded to fixed to battery-powered stand-alone wireless devices. This provides us with the experience and ability to use the right sensor in any given situation. Check-It will implement new sensors or use your existing field devices to gather the data required.
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Check-It Solutions are experts at getting your “things” connected to make smarter decisions. Part of the Check-It Solutions platform includes a highly intelligent analytical engine and provides proactive suggestions and warnings for any industry. The platform is continually learning based on actual data trends gathered from your remote devices. In addition, the Check-It analytical engine has the capability for root cause analysis which will help identify why and when an event happened. Our event viewer is very useful for predictive maintenance preventing outages or equipment failures.
The Check-It Platform is highly scalable and able to process millions of transactions per second. The platform can be hosted by the secure Check-It cloud or maintained in your own server environment. This allows any type of back office integration required in your own secure network.

Modular Software and Apps

The Check-IT innovative and scalable IOT platform is very modular right from the reading in the field to the alert on your phone. The Check-It IOT modules can be used seperate or bundled together for a comple end to end IOT deployment. Check-It Solutions is capable of reading data from hundreds of integration points providing seamless views to our clients.
Customizable Dashboard is very flexible and easily changed with configuration based on customer needs. Our real time alerts will also display on the dashboard and always logged to know what action was taken. And our historical trends make viewing large amounts of data very simple.
The Check-It Solutions intelligent line of CG-xxx gateway products provide reliable edge computing options to ensure reliable communications. The Check-It gateway features include:
- Multiple wireless network options to the same gateway
- Remote management capabilities including configuration, diagnostics, provisioning and software updates
- Integration capabilities directly from the gateway including Bacnet, Modbus for BMS systems. Or MQTT, JSON, XML, SFTP, etc to receive raw data directly.
- Flexible and Dynamic connectivty management to empower your corporate wide deployments.